Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alternative Energy

Oil is nasty business. Wars and corruption and the crushing of political ideals. If we could only find plausable ways to use natural energy we could solve so many global problems. If we could only redirect our war budget of billions to producing energy by sun, wind, and geothermal sources, we could acheive all our goals! I want to see an affordable solar or wind energy generator available at Lowe's. I want to see America driving electric cars that are charged by these generators. Why don't we face the facts that oil is a finite resource with estimates of 40-60 years ramaining. Do we really want to wait until we run out to figure out what to do about it? I foresee that before we run out of oil we will fight for it. China will fight for it. Russia will fight for it. We will see WWIII and the destuction of the planet. Probably. Or we could go the easy route.

1 comment:

  1. true - how nice that would be.... if the price of electric cars go down that is :)
